Hungry like the wolf: That Eighties Band returns to Festival Fridays to bring fun, nostalgia
By Luke Lyons
Arts and Entertainment Reporter
Posted Jul 26, 2019 at 8:00 AM
Updated at 9:14 AM
Original article published here
Festival Fridays is going back to the future this week with That Eighties Band headlining the fourth week of the concert series.
The Denver-based 80s tribute band will take the stage at 6:30 p.m. at the Sangrde Cristo Arts and Conference Center, 210 N. Santa Fe Ave.
Formed in 2003, That Eighties Band is one of Colorado’s most popular tribute bands, having played more than 1,200 concerts including stops at Disney World, playing for The Kansas City Chiefs, Denver Broncos, Google and more.
"We have had so many great experiences," wrote lead singer and bassist Travis LeRoy in an email, "Martina McBride hired us for her private birthday party ...lots of cool things."
LeRoy created the band after playing in original bands for many years. Ready for something new, LeRoy wanted to create a project that paid homage to the music that shaped him as a musician.
He created That Eighties Band, playing music by bands and artists like Michael Jackson, Billy Idol, INXS, Joan Jett, George Michaels, Bruce Springstreet, Pat Benatar, Run DMC, Human League, Ratt and more.
"Music from the ‘80s made a very big impression on me when I was growing up," LeRoy wrote. "I thought it would be cool to start a project that focused on all those great bands."
Among his favorites are Motley Crue; Duran, Duran; Prince, The Cure; and Iron Maiden.
Like LeRoy, fans of the band share in the nostalgic feel for the decade’s music and atmosphere.
"I think for a lot of people, ‘80s music brings back great memories," LeRoy wrote. "It certainly does for me. The music was fun and had a sense of innocence."
Along with its stellar musicianship and a setlist that includes notable fanfavorites, That Eighties Band goes above-and-beyond for each concert experience.
For those reasons, the band has quite a fan following in the state and beyond.
"We know how fortunate we are," LeRoy wrote. "We truly appreciate the support we receive. We have always worked really hard to put on the best show we can for the people who are nice enough to come see us."
Those shows have included Festival Fridays gigs in recent years. The shows have been a welcomed addition to That Eighties Band’s schedule. LeRoy was born in Pueblo and said he enjoys performing at the series.
"The people who put on this event are the absolute best," LeRoy wrote. "They work really hard to ensure that Festival Fridays is a premier concert series. We are very grateful they have invited us back. Additionally, I was born in Pueblo. It feels like I am coming home in a lot of ways."
With a hectic schedule, and few opportunities to reach this part of the state, That Eighties Band takes advantage of visiting the region as much as possible.
"We don’t get to Southern Colorado often, so we are looking forward to seeing our friends in the are and hopefully making some new friends," LeRoy wrote.
Tickets are $7 in advance at any Loaf ‘N Jug location or $8 at the gate.
Twitter: @luke_lyons14